What You Should Know About Ginkgo Biloba Side Effects

Ginkgo biloba throughout history has demonstrated a large amount of medical value. Even so, it does have some side effects. In general, people should take a ginkgo biloba supplements in dosages ranging between 40 mg to 200 mg daily.

Women who are pregnant or nursing should heed caution when it comes to taking ginkgo biloba. Mainly, this has to do with the many potential ginkgo biloba side effects with nursing or pregnant women. Some of the most common types of ginkgo biloba side effects are diarrhea, headaches, nausea, restlessness, and vomiting.

Therefore, pregnant or nursing women may need to lower their dosage or stop taking the supplements if they experience any of the ginkgo biloba side effects. On the other hand, some individuals are not tolerant of ginkgo biloba at any dosage. Therefore, it is important to note whether you are having any ginkgo biloba side effects.

As for those with a clotting disorder, increased bleeding may result as a side effect. Children should not take ginkgo biloba supplements, unless under a doctor’s supervision. One of the main reasons for this has to do with how many children are sensitive to the effects from ginkgo biloba, which raises their risk for ginkgo biloba side effects.

Ginkgo biloba side effect may also result from the ingestion of fruit pulp. Often this results in edema, arrhythmia, severe gastrointestinal problems, in addition to severe itching, which results from the rapid formation of vesicles. Another ginkgo biloba side effect of concern is how it can potentially lead to a negative interaction with antidepressants (MAOI).

It is not recommended that anyone on an oral anticoagulant or anti-platelet therapy take ginkgo biloba, since it is known to cause a negative reaction from the heterogeneous mechanisms. People on warfarin may experience ginkgo biloba side effects, such as bleeding. On the other hand, combining it with thiazide diuretic may result in an increase in blood pressure.

Coma is one of the more severe ginkgo biloba side effects, which may result when taken with trazodone. Another potential side effect is the inhibiting of cortisol release. With that in mind, it becomes apparent that ginkgo biloba side effects have the potential to be severe.

Therefore, it is important to ensure that you take the correct dose. In the end, it is important to monitor for ginkgo biloba side effects, in addition to avoiding taking it if there is reason for concern. As with anything, you should always weigh the pros and cons. In any case, make sure the benefits outweigh the drawbacks of taking a ginkgo biloba supplement.